Tuesday, November 23, 2004

JCLC '06 Call for Presentations


The JCLC '06 invites quality proposals for presentation at its first Conference entitled, "Gathering at the Waters: Embracing Our Spirits, Telling Our Stories," to be held October 11-15, 2006, at the Adams Mark in Dallas, Texas.

The Deadline for submitting all proposals is May 31, 2005. Program proposal forms are now available: http://www.ala.org/ala/olos/libassocofcolor/JCLC_programproposal.pdf

For more information, contact JCLC '06 Conference Co-Chairs Gladys Smiley Bell (gladys.bell@hamptonu.edu) and Kenneth A. Yamashita (ken.yamashita@ci.stockton.ca.us)

Program proposal forms should be completed and sent along with necessary attachments to:
JCLC '06
c/o Bell
P. O. Box 1738
Hampton, VA 23669