Monday, May 9, 2005

ALA Demographics Survey

For many years, ALA has asked its members to provide information about three aspects of their work lives - type of library or other organization, principal area of work, and level of responsibility. It was determined that additional member information was needed to effectively advocate for ALA members, and to provide services more effectively.

The ALA Committee on Diversity and the ALA Membership Committee approved the work of a task force that developed a member demographics questionnaire. By undertaking this member survey ALA takes a big step toward knowing itself and being able to describe itself to others. The key to success in the effort is, of course, member response. Please take a few minutes to answer the following six questions. Your individual response remains confidential, and ALA only will report about total responses. Thank you in advance for your participation.

This survey is being conducted by ALA's Office for Research and Statistics (ORS).